Just like the beginning of any remarkable story, this one too started in a Scottish pub over a pint of freshly brewed beer. Paresh Khivesara and Matthew Bending struck up a friendship over their shared belief that ‘Greatness is not a destination, it's an everyday honest endeavor’, and as they conversed more and more, they started discussing different possibilities of taking their vision to millions. However, they realized that physically connecting with every person on the planet was impossible. What they needed was a physical manifestation of their values and vision. Thus, was born MacV! A brand that celebrates individuality and encourages one and all to be true to who they are and make an honest attempt at being their best self everyday.
Both Paresh and Matthew rightly understood that this is where true belonging stems from and made it the bedrock of MacV’s brand as well as community. From product design to market entry and customer interaction, MacV takes pride in adhering to this philosophy that everyday excellence makes Everyday Iconic.